Why Local SEO Could Help Your Business

Commercial Real Estate






Commercial Real Estate




3 min read

A recent study done by Google found that 18% of local searches on a smartphone lead to a purchase within a day, compared to just seven percent of non-local searches. These high percentages also compared with other mobile devices, i.e. tablets and desktops. Google also found that more consumers wanted their local advertising and marketing to be customized to their city. Not only did this study show that more consumers were using local searches but they were also looking online before purchasing.

More companies are paying closer attention to the importance of local SEO and how it drives organic traffic that results in sales. These statistics demonstrate the growth of more localized searches and why indoctrinating this strategy into your SEO plan is an essential part of attracting online customers who want to find a local service or product.

Some ways to implement these local searches into your strategy include going back to the basics. First, creating a landing page for each location of your business allows for better local searches. Designing and optimizing these pages towards a local area directs traffic specifically to the desired area. These pages should include unique URL’s, so that search engines can better match every local inquiry.

Second, develop locally centric content. This one seems like a no-brainer but if not applied then all your efforts are for not. Make sure that each individual landing-page is information specific to its local area. Small things like updated hours and store products can go a long way.

Third, utilize digital directories in your SEO strategy. Digital directories work as citations for each location. Search engines allow for these citations to be counted individually and use them to check the accuracy and legitimacy of your business’ information. This will establish online creditability for your business.

Lastly, customer reviews are one, if not, the most important aspects of marketing your business online. Google found that 85% of consumers look at product reviews before purchasing. By giving customers the option to leave ratings and/or comments you create a way for customers to leave their feedback for other viewers.

For more information on how to best implement a local SEO Strategy contact our local Atlanta Advertising Agency.