Video Series Part 4: How to Create Effective Videos

Commercial Real Estate


Photography & Film


Commercial Real Estate

Photography & Film


3 min read

Congratulations! You’ve made it to the final post in our 4-part Video Series.

Now that you better understand the impact of video marketing on your brand, the 10 different types of videos to consider, and 8 ways to use video in your marketing strategy, let’s explore the best ways to create effective videos.

Below are a few tips we agree on from the Huffington Post on how to create effective videos.

1. Educate Yourself

Understanding the video production process is the first step in creating an effective video. Creating a video can be a daunting task if you don’t know where to start, but if you take a little time to educate yourself upfront, you can ensure a smooth transition throughout production. To begin, research videos and the type of video you want to produce. Decide on a concept and determine what you’d like to accomplish with your video. Next, determine your budget.

2. Know Your Budget

Videos can have a wide range in cost due to factors such as the length of the video, number of locations, crew size, talent, voice-over versus live, editing options, music, etc. Therefore, it’s really important to discuss expectations and final deliverables with your production company to make sure they understand your budget limitations.

3. Set Your Goals

We discussed 8 Ways to Utilize Videos in Part 3 of our blog series. It’s important to make sure that your goals align with how and where you plan to use your video. Are you trying to increase brand awareness and stand out from the competition? Do you want to increase product knowledge? Are you trying to increase engagement? You want to be sure your goals are focused, measurable and relevant to your business.

4. Identify Your Target Audience

Personalization is at the forefront of every marketer’s strategy and to create a video specifically for your audience you must first understand and define your viewer. To do so, build buyer personas not only based upon who you think would like to watch your video, but also who you know data confirms will be interested. Whether through Google analytics, surveys, internal data or focus groups, research determines the right audience for your objectives and helps create content around your targets’ specific needs and interests.

5. Figure Out The Right Message

As previously mentioned, the right message will depend on each persona created. You may find after creating multiple personas that multiple videos may be needed. Focus on one goal at a time and center your content around each persona; don’t try to overload everything into one message. Rather, for example, explain what you do in one video, sell your product or service in another, and offer valuable content in yet another.

6. Find The Right Opportunities

Producing an amazing video is great but your ultimate goal should be to determine if you are utilizing your video at the right time, in the right place, targeting the right people. Now that you know your budget, goals, audience and message, you can build your strategy. Determine where your video(s) will best fit within your current strategy and how other avenues could benefit.

7. Hire The Right Company

Videos are an investment, so be sure to hire the right agency.

(Shameless plug here…. Hire infinitee!) Often times individuals look for the most cost efficient option rather than researching and weighing both value and cost. Determine which is more important for you, and based on your priorities and goals, hire the agency that fits best your wants and needs. Look for an expert in the field that you’re producing the video and ultimately hire the group with service you can trust.

How To Create Effective Videos

8. Market Your Video Content

What good is your video if no one sees it? Make sure it is seen. You’ve set your goals and you’ve strategized where to use your video, so your next step is to market it. Optimize video views by utilizing both free and paid advertising opportunities; whether placing it on your website, boosting it on Facebook or Instagram, or sharing it in an email, if your content is exciting and targeted toward your viewer personas, you are likely to see more impressions and engagement.

9. Measure Success (Include a Call To Action)

Make sure that you have measurement tools in place to measure the success of your video. Are you seeing an increase in website visits, likes, shares, page views, product sales, signed leases, etc.? Are people responding to your video in the right way or are they bouncing off the page immediately?

Tip: Be sure to include a call to action. Information learned from CTAs can be vital for your next video.10. Follow Up

Dedication to continuously generate relevant and educational content, such as videos, will ensure your success as you position your company as an industry leader. As your video generates impressions and engagement, interact with your viewers and follow up with any questions they may have. Offering a valuable resource is beneficial in converting viewers and growing your business.

THANK YOU for viewing our 4-part video series! We hope this has been an insightful series and that you are energized, inspired and armed with the right tools and information to grow your business through video.

To learn more about infinitee’s video services and incorporating video into your strategy,

contact Vince.