Video Marketing Part 1: The Impact of Video Marketing on Your Brand

Commercial Real Estate


Photography & Film


Commercial Real Estate

Photography & Film


3 min read

Welcome to our 4-Part series on Video Marketing! Throughout this series, we will discuss:

  1. The impact of video marketing on your brand
  2. 10 different types of videos
  3. 8 ways to use videos, and
  4. How to create effective videos so you get the most out of your investment.

As you probably know, video has never been more relevant in the digital realm and has become a vital marketing tool for every business across every medium. Companies use video as a format for telling stories, delivering messages, educating their audience, and so much more.

According to HubSpot, a leading inbound sales and marketing software company, “Brands need video incorporated into every step of their marketing strategy,” and many organizations are prioritizing this in annual budget planning. In the last year, we produced over 30 videos across 6 clients alone. Some benefits include increased impressions, shares, engagement rates and more across social media and digital advertising.

We recently marketed a Family Fun Day event at one of our shopping center clients, Promenade at Coconut Creek, with a mix of video and photography assets. When the results were tallied, video accounted for 76.35% of all impressions. Our Facebook posts surrounding the event showed 4,226 impressions for video in comparison to 1,309 impressions for still images, supporting the fact that video garnered more impressions than still images.

Don’t just take our word for it! Below are 6 stats from HubSpot to support incorporating video marketing in your annual budget.

  1. 43% of people say video in content is more memorable than text (18%) and images (36%).
  2. 54% of consumers want to see videos from brands they support as opposed to newsletters (46%) or social images (41%).
  3. In fact, 81% of customers have been convinced to buy a product or service by watching a brand’s video.
  4. After one minute, only 5% of viewers stop watching videos, but 60% will stop watching after two minutes.
  5. 97% of marketers say video has helped increase user understanding of their product or service which increased brand awareness.
  6. 76% of marketers say video helped increase sales as well as traffic.
  7. 80% say video has increased dwell time on their website.

There’s no argument that consumers are overwhelmed with content. Video is a steadfast way to cut through the clutter and have your customers remember what they see. This increase in brand awareness and recognition will help your brand stick in customer’s memory over time and ultimately influence buying decisions - what to buy, where to shop, where to live, where to work and so on.

To learn how you can incorporate video into your strategy, contact Vince.

Continue the video journey with Part 2: 10 Types of Videos.